Books on Malaysian event, local news and personal experience.
How reputable was our automobile industry
When the issue not really issue to her
What AP - Ada apa dengan AP
Who double cross who II
Who double cross who
When Hasmawi finally ties the knot
How about his datukship
What inside my blood II
What inside my blood
What money can buy
What another cause to DIE
When Im too concern
Who am I
What's the hottest question for MOH
How to spell this "Happy 2nd B'day PPS"
What's wrong with this Petaling Street
Why Mersing
When you better say nothing at ALL
What on news today
Why so quite today
When your FRIENDSHIPS measured by money
Who next
When there's nothing left to say but GOOD-BYE
How much you'll pay II
What it is
Where's the fair dinkum
When moron being elected
When I'm still can't cross the Borders
How to stay connected
How their attire so influential - MAS stewardess
What so historic at Malacca City
What goes up and what goes down
How to wish
When not all "halal" really halal here
When not all sausage here HALAL VI
What's really Good today
Where's the JOB
When the smoke is going up at Sepang
When not all sausage here HALAL V
When not all sausage here HALAL IV
When not all sausage here HALAL III
When not all sausage here HALAL II
What's hot at IKEA Damansara - PorkSausage
When not all sausage here HALAL
Where Is The Ring
How much you'll pay
When "cease fire" declared
When time's up, so leave and get legalise
When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Why I'm really really hate hypocritsm
When kindness give them joy
Where ur mobile need to be off
Why must Rooster
What wrong with my account department
What a lucky Mr Karpal
Why with December 26th
How you spend your Thaipusam holidays
Any Kelantanese here?
Ermmm, Bahasa Menunjukkan Bangsa?
An apology... BlackOut updates!!!
Online Finally... BlackOut updates!!!
BlackOut Updates!!!
Its cost him RM25,470 legally
Some say he still can play
Be strong... Ms. Norlida
Opinion on Runaway groom
Yess thats you are right Ms. Norlida
Another part of the story
Ditched bride going to court, finally
Runaway bridegroom, so see you at court.
Runaway Bridegroom?
My Adopt Pet
Meet The Parents - Live!
I've got this from Lina
Wanted, DODOL
Solitaire Master
I Love you, but Im hate LIAR more
Why Kitty didn't getting sahur?
Pesan Abang
Baru Jer Seminggu Berpuasa
Happy face
Melaka 2 JB
Oops!... I Did It Again
Hands up
Mari memakai tudung
What happen if there water shortage in Johor Bahru
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