For DiGi user
for DiGi User
Step 1
Key in *128# and press <Call>
Press <Answer> and key in 4 and press <Send>
Step 2
Press <Answer> and key in 1 and press <Send>
step 3a
You will be prompted with
"Please enter the mobile number to transfer talktime to.
Please key in 6016 followed by 7 digits mobile number"
Press <Answer> and key in 60166370007 and press <Send>
step 3b
You will be prompted with
"Transfer talktime to 60166370007 with amount of RM3 with 2 days validity. Surcharge of RM0.15 applied to both parties.
1 Confirm
2 Reenter mobile number
0 Back"
Press <Answer> and key in 1 and press <Send>
Step 4
You will be prompted with
"You request is
in progress."
Both of us [the transferor (you) and the transferee (me)] then will get a SMS:
Transferor SMS
You have successfully transferred RM 3 to 60166370007. TQ
Transferee SMS
You have received RM 3 from 60161234567 [i.e very kind donor phone no]. Surcharge of RM0.15 applied. TQ
[More About DiGi Talktime Transfer]
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