Why with December 26th
[My Malaysiana]
Why its so significant to me. [sorry this post 1 month late]
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December 26 is the 360th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, 361st in leap years. There are 5 days remaining.
Tsunami impact felt one month on
Why its so significant to me. [sorry this post 1 month late]
Not because of 1996 tropical storm Greg hit Keningau in Sabah. Over 100 were killed. Not because of 1999 France & countries to east hit by severe storms & rain. Over 100 people were killed. Not because of 2003 Earthquake in Bam, Iran. Over 45,000 were killed. Not only because of the 2004 deadliest earthquake and tsunami or because many major earthquake a.k.a disaster happen around this date. Not because of 1791 Charles Babbage, English mathematician and inventor of computing machines birthday. Not because of 1893 Mao Zedong, China great leader birthday. Not because JACK JOHNSON WINS HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE in 1908. Not because of 1982 TIME magazine's Man of the Year was for the first time given to a non-human; a computer. Not because of 1991 Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the USSR Not because Kwanzaa start on this day. Not also thats a Boxing day that Im not celebrate.
but because of on that day, Friday December 26, 2003 - my beloved father passed away peacefully in front of me at Melaka Hospital ICU. He just 61 years old. After all, now Im not alone feels [that...] on December 26 every year. May Allah be pleased with him and all who's perished on that sad day Insya Allah. al-Fatihah for them. Ayah we'll always miss you.
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