26 January 2005

Why with December 26th

[My Malaysiana]

Why its so significant to me. [sorry this post 1 month late]

  • Not because of 1996 tropical storm Greg hit Keningau in Sabah. Over 100 were killed.
  • Not because of 1999 France & countries to east hit by severe storms & rain. Over 100 people were killed.
  • Not because of 2003 Earthquake in Bam, Iran. Over 45,000 were killed.
  • Not only because of the 2004 deadliest earthquake and tsunami or because many major earthquake a.k.a disaster happen around this date.

  • Not because of 1791 Charles Babbage, English mathematician and inventor of computing machines birthday.
  • Not because of 1893 Mao Zedong, China great leader birthday.
  • Not because of 1982 TIME magazine's Man of the Year was for the first time given to a non-human; a computer.
  • Not because of 1991 Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the USSR
  • Not because Kwanzaa start on this day.
  • Not also thats a Boxing day that Im not celebrate.

    but because of on that day, Friday December 26, 2003 - my beloved father passed away peacefully in front of me at Melaka Hospital ICU. He just 61 years old. After all, now Im not alone feels [that...] on December 26 every year. May Allah be pleased with him and all who's perished on that sad day Insya Allah. al-Fatihah for them. Ayah we'll always miss you.

  • External Links:
  • December 26 is the 360th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, 361st in leap years. There are 5 days remaining.
  • Tsunami impact felt one month on