How to self examine your OWN breast
[Sci Medical & Health]
My blogs today have main objective to bring more awareness and some knowledge for the rest of us towards breast cancer. Known as a leading cause of death for women over the world [nowadays]. Breast cancer can kill silently, and percentage to survive getting lower if its not been detected earlier.
Thank God if you gal have aware with this disease... If NOT, maybe what being discovered by Ms. Kylie or what was happened toour Malaysian first lady [Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, Batiks and Songkets queen] can open your mind for not too late taking such a first move.
...but this is strictly for women on HOW to self examining their OWN breast. NOT for you mate, to examine others except for those qualified medic professionals. OK, may this will helpful and pls forward this message to other sheilas you know or to ur love one [ur mum, aunt, sis, wife etc.] - to whom you really CARE.
Quote from WrongDiagnosis.Com
What's Breast Self-Examination (BSE):
Women can notice changes by use a step-by-step systematic approach and using a specific schedule to examine their breasts (breast-self examination [BSE])
Women should be aware of how their breasts normally feel and report any new breast changes to a health professional as soon as they are found.
However, feeling abnormality does not mean there is cancer.
Four simple step that may save your live:
Every woman over the age of 20 should perform a monthly breast self-examination (BSE). The best time to perform a BSE is five to seven days following your menstrual period. If your menstrual periods are irregular, perform the BSE on the same day every month. While it's important to examine your breasts regularly to detect any newly detectable irregularities, it is also important to examine your breasts carefully during all phases of you menstrual cycle, to determine what is normal for you.
Step 1: Lying on your back, place a pillow under your right shoulder. Place your right arm behind your head.
Step 2: With your left hand, feel for any lumps or irregularities in your breast. Press firmly to see how your breast feels. Move your fingers in three deliberate ways: circular, up and down vertically and in a wedge pattern.
Step 3: Repeat the exam on your left breast.
Step 4: Also, perform the BSE while in a standing position. Raise your right arm over your head or place it behind your head and examine your breast with your left hand. Examine your breast in the same three ways as in Step 2.
Anyone with any tips or experienced regarding breast cancer... to share with.
Useful Links:
Breast examination - Cancer Concern
Breast Self Examination
Breast Self Exam - Video
How To Perform a Breast Self-Exam
Breast Self-Examination
Why do I need to examine my breasts?
Local Links:
Penerbitan Buletin HealthPro @ KPPK - Pdf File
Kanser PAYUDARA - InfoSihat
Breast Cancer - MAKNA
Malaysian Breast Cancer Education Project
Kanser PAYUDARA - Medic UUM
Useful Reads:
Article: Breast Self Exam
The Breast Cancer Survival Manual: A Step-By-Step Guide for the Woman With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer - AMAZON
Just Get Me Through This: The Practical Guide to Breast Cancer - AMAZON
Related Post:
How Kylie breast cancer may be linked to NO children
My blogs today have main objective to bring more awareness and some knowledge for the rest of us towards breast cancer. Known as a leading cause of death for women over the world [nowadays]. Breast cancer can kill silently, and percentage to survive getting lower if its not been detected earlier.
Thank God if you gal have aware with this disease... If NOT, maybe what being discovered by Ms. Kylie or what was happened to
...but this is strictly for women on HOW to self examining their OWN breast. NOT for you mate, to examine others except for those qualified medic professionals. OK, may this will helpful and pls forward this message to other sheilas you know or to ur love one [ur mum, aunt, sis, wife etc.] - to whom you really CARE.
Quote from WrongDiagnosis.Com
Breast cancer is one of the top five malpractice diseases. Misdiagnosis of breast cancer can occur, and the prognosis for a late discovery of breast cancer can be poor. Undiagnosed breast cancer is also often a "silent killer" because the breast pain is often a late symptom of breast cancer rather than an early symptom. Some people assume it can't be cancer without pain. And although many breast cancers arise from a discovered breast lump, not all breast lumps are discovered early.
What's Breast Self-Examination (BSE):
Women can notice changes by use a step-by-step systematic approach and using a specific schedule to examine their breasts (breast-self examination [BSE])
Women should be aware of how their breasts normally feel and report any new breast changes to a health professional as soon as they are found.
However, feeling abnormality does not mean there is cancer.
Four simple step that may save your live:
Every woman over the age of 20 should perform a monthly breast self-examination (BSE). The best time to perform a BSE is five to seven days following your menstrual period. If your menstrual periods are irregular, perform the BSE on the same day every month. While it's important to examine your breasts regularly to detect any newly detectable irregularities, it is also important to examine your breasts carefully during all phases of you menstrual cycle, to determine what is normal for you.
Step 1: Lying on your back, place a pillow under your right shoulder. Place your right arm behind your head.
Step 2: With your left hand, feel for any lumps or irregularities in your breast. Press firmly to see how your breast feels. Move your fingers in three deliberate ways: circular, up and down vertically and in a wedge pattern.
Step 3: Repeat the exam on your left breast.
Step 4: Also, perform the BSE while in a standing position. Raise your right arm over your head or place it behind your head and examine your breast with your left hand. Examine your breast in the same three ways as in Step 2.
Anyone with any tips or experienced regarding breast cancer... to share with.
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