8 July 2005

WHO did it

[My Australasia]

London Blast July 7th, 2005:

Less than 24 hrs from their winning smile... Now there's tears and fears everywhere.

Hopefully NO early speculations with NO solid proof and probe. I dont wanna to pin point to who and whom on this [for the time being], cause whatever reason it is, we as a human being absolutely agreed to condemned THIS.

BTW, Im worried if this coward ness with no face act, could easily lead to a backlash against another innocent community. Lead to another discrimination and unjust generalisation of word of terrorism... [or may lead to another "War On Terror" at another country]. See NYC 9/11 as a good example. That why, I'm always being skeptical for such a reason. How come... there's war for the sake of total peace. Hopefully this will not be the reason for you to attack other country you dont like Mr. Blair.

I'm personally believed that our struggle against this kind of terror cannot be won by military means if we still didn't look at and realised the major caused of it.

Will update on THIS soon... Insya Allah. Hopefully no more on board and double decker blasted after this. No more.

Our prayers from NINETNINE NETWORK are with the victims and their families. May God ease their pain and help them cope this grief. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

From God we came, and to Him we shall return.

Related New:
  • Special report: terrorism threat to UK - Guardian Unlimited
  • Hunt on for London bombers
  • British Muslims fear blast backlash
  • Australian Muslims fear retribution

    Useful Links:
  • Timeline: London bomb attacks - This is not the 1st time
  • "Taking the War to England"
  • ICT - Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism