Drug Information Handbook
12th Edition
ISBN 1-59195-083-X
1865 pages
Copyright 2004
Charles F. Lacy, PharmD
Lora L. Armstrong, PharmD
Morton P. Goldman, PharmD
Leonard L. Lance, BSPharm
Covers over 1329 Drug Monographs
Over 25 New Drug Monographs
Up to 34 key fields of information per drug monograph
Drug Interaction information is separated into the following: Cytochrome P450 Effect, Increased Effect/Toxicity, Decreased Effect, and Ethanol/Nutritional/Herb Interactions
Labeled and unlabeled/investigational indications Pharmacokinetics/Dynamics information
Dosing adjustments for Renal or Hepatic Impairment
Includes Stability, Administration, and Extemporaneous Preparations
Revised and Updated Appendix information including the latest information incorporated into the Cytochrome P450 and drug metabolism table
Trade names are listed alphabetically throughout the handbook with corresponding page numbers to the appropriate drug monographs
Dictionary-like headings at the top of each page
Tall-Man letters incorporated to distinguish Look-A-Like medications
Therapeutic Category and Key Word Index
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12th Edition
ISBN 1-59195-083-X
1865 pages
Copyright 2004
Charles F. Lacy, PharmD
Lora L. Armstrong, PharmD
Morton P. Goldman, PharmD
Leonard L. Lance, BSPharm
External links:
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