23 June 2005

Who am I

[My Malaysiana]

Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?

Huahaahhahhaha huhuuhu... let me laugh first. Thanks for that Kennysia. Ermm finally I did the quiz... and the result is:

Congratulations Ninetnine Network, you are...

Dr Liew of drliew.net

You are such a silly and cartoonish person. You are confident, quick-witted and have a natural sense of humour. Even during the most stressful times, you keep your cool, live by the rules and focus on solving the task at hand. To your friends, you are always that loyal companion standing by their side, cheering them up when they're feeling down. You have virtually no enemies. People simply enjoy having you around.

Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?

What another curly head to laughing at... Dont ever believe thissss ;)