23 November 2004

Girl chokes to death on sweet

[Sci Medical & Health]

Choked to death Three-year-old Wong Poh Yan died when she choked on a sweet while riding a bicycle near her home in Sri Petaling on Sunday. Her maid tried to remove the sweet but failed. She was rushed to a nearby clinic but was pronounced dead on arrival. The sweet which Poh Yan had choked on.


KUALA LUMPUR: An evening bicycle ride routine for a three-year-old girl turned tragic when she choked on a sweet and fell from her bicycle in Sri Petaling here on Sunday.

Wong Poh Yan's father rushed her to a nearby clinic minutes later but she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

A post-mortem at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre yesterday revealed that she had choked to death.

Wong Yok Keow claimed his daughter's body some three-and-a-half hours later.

The 58-year-old contractor said the incident occurred as his 30-year-old Indonesian maid was escorting Poh Yan, who was riding her bicycle near the house.

“My daughter, the youngest of four siblings, was chewing on a sweet given by the maid when she suddenly choked and fell off the bicycle some 100m away from the house,” he said when interviewed,

“On seeing this, the maid stopped a passing car and rushed home carrying Poh Yan in her arms.

“I rushed Poh Yan to a nearby clinic but she was pronounced dead upon arrival,” said Yok Keow.

To a question, Yok Keow said the maid truly cared for Poh Yan.

“After my wife gave birth to her, she was suffering from post-natal depression and returned to her hometown in Ipoh.

“My wife never returned home and it was my maid who cared for Poh Yan and my three other children, aged, 16, 15 and 12.

“I believe that my daughter was fated to die and I am not going to blame my maid for that,” said the tearful father.

The maid, who declined to be identified, said when Poh Yan collapsed, she tried to dislodge the sweet by inserting her index finger into her mouth but failed.

It was then that she hitched a ride from a passing car back to her employer's house.

Budak 3 tahun mati tercekik gula-gula - Berita Harian

Oleh Raja Nurfatimah Mawar Mohamed

KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan mati dipercayai tercekik gula-gula ketika sedang bermain basikal bersama pembantu rumah di kawasan perumahan Sri Petaling, di sini, petang kelmarin.

Wong Poh Yan, 3, anak bongsu daripada empat beradik mati di tempat kejadian akibat kesukaran bernafas kira-kira jam 5.45 petang.

Pembantu rumah warga Indonesia berusia 30-an membawa mangsa keluar bersiar-siar kira-kira 100 meter dari rumah sebelum kanak-kanak itu dipercayai tercekik gula-gula ketika mengayuh basikal.

Berikutan itu, mangsa terjatuh dari basikal dan tidak sedarkan diri.

Pembantu rumah terbabit cuba mengeluarkan gula-gula dari mulut mangsa tetapi gagal dan bergegas menahan sebuah kereta yang kebetulan lalu di situ untuk membawa mangsa balik ke rumah selepas melihat kanak-kanak itu sudah tidak bergerak.

Bapa mangsa, Wong Yoon Keow, 58, menghantar anaknya yang tidak sedarkan diri ke klinik berdekatan. Bagaimanapun Poh Yan disahkan meninggal dunia.

Wong berkata, beliau terkejut apabila pembantu rumah memberitahu anak perempuannya pengsan selepas tercekik gula-gula.

“Saya terus membawa Poh Yan ke klinik berhampiran, bagaimanapun harapan saya berkecai apabila dia disahkan meninggal dunia akibat kesukaran bernafas,” katanya.

Mayat mangsa dibawa ke Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) untuk bedah siasat, semalam.

Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, Asisten Komisioner Zulhasnan Najib Baharudin mengesahkan kejadian itu.

Zulhasnan berkata, bapa mangsa membuat laporan di Balai Polis Sri Petaling, semalam.

Mayat kanak-kanak itu dituntut keluarganya kira-kira jam 4 petang semalam untuk dibawa ke krematorium, Jalan Kuari, Cheras, di sini.

A three-year-old girl choked on a sweet and died yesterday. - NSTP

Wong Poh Yan was cycling near her home in Sri Petaling when the incident happened at 5.30pm. An Indonesian maid, who was looking after her, had given her a jelly sweet to chew on. When she was given a second sweet, she suddenly choked and fell off the bicycle.

The maid, who has been with the family for five years, tried to remove the sweet from Poh Yan's mouth but was unsuccessful.

She stopped a car and asked the driver to send them to their house, about 100 metres away.

Wong Yoon Keow, 58, said his daughter's face turned blue and he noticed that she had stopped breathing. He immediately drove her to a clinic nearby but she was pronounced dead on arrival. Poh Yan's body was sent to the University Malaya Medical Centre for a post-mortem. Wong, a contractor, said that Poh Yan, the youngest of his four children, loved chocolates and sweets very much.

"She had the sweetest smile...," he said, unable to complete the sentence after being overcome by emotion.

Brickfields police chief Assistant Commissioner Zul Hasnan Najib confirmed the incident and said the case had been classified as sudden death.

Budak mati tercekik gula-gula jeli - Utusan Online


KUALA LUMPUR 22 Nov. - Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan yang riang berbasikal sambil mengunyah dua biji gula-gula jeli mati tercekik gula-gula itu di Jalan 6/149J, Sri Petaling di sini petang semalam.

Ketika kejadian pukul 5.30 petang itu, Wong Poh Yan, 3, mengayuh basikal kira-kira 100 meter dari rumahnya di Jalan 8/149J sambil ditemani pembantu rumahnya.

Mangsa dikatakan tercekik ketika mengunyah gula-gula jeli yang kedua dan terjatuh dari basikalnya dipercayai setelah sesak nafas sebelum tidak sedarkan diri.

Menurut bapa mangsa, Wong Yeon Keow, 58, apabila melihat Poh Yan terjatuh dari basikal dan tidak bernafas, pembantu rumah terus menahan sebuah kereta yang kebetulan lalu di tempat kejadian dan meminta pertolongan pemandunya menghantar dia dan Poh Yan ke rumah.

Kata Yeon Keow, dia yang berada di ruang tamu terus berkejar ke luar rumah apabila melihat pembantu rumahnya mendukung Poh Yan sambil menjerit memberitahu anaknya tidak sedarkan diri akibat tercekik gula-gula jeli.

``Saya terus mengambil kunci kereta dan menyuruh pembantu rumah masuk bersama Poh Yan dan terus ke klinik berdekatan.

``Sesampainya di klinik, doktor yang membuat pemeriksaan memberitahu saya Poh Yan telah meninggal dunia,'' ceritanya dengan nada sedih.

Tambah Yeon Keow lagi, mayat Poh Yan kemudian dihantar ke Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) untuk dibedah siasat.

Sementara itu, jurucakap bilik mayat PPUM hari ini memberitahu, laporan bedah siasat mendapati Poh Yan mati akibat tercekik gula-gula jeli setelah menemui gula-gula itu tersekat di tekaknya.

Katanya, mayat Poh Yan telah dituntut oleh ayahnya petang ini untuk urusan pembakaran.

Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, Asisten Komisioner Zulhasnan Najib Baharuddin mengesahkan menerima laporan kejadian tersebut dan memberitahu kes tersebut tidak disiasat di bawah kes jenayah.

9T9: Another sad stories because of lack-off OUR first aid knowledge. Feel sorry to her family for this great loss. For me personally, we must have this basic first aid to bear in minds. Not necessary you must have MD to know this. Everybody must know at least the basic one. But some says, "When faced with a first aid emergency no matter how minor or severe the biggest mistake people make is that they PANIC," so how to handle this PANIC situation mates, because everybody must be PANIC when in that situation? And an expert also said "By learning basic first aid and having the proper supplies to deal with minor first aid situations, the panic factor could be eased dramatically..." hopefully.