26 February 2005

Why I'm really really hate hypocritsm

[My Malaysiana]

Why it's really kick my arse tonite... What the heck Im talking now [Sorry mom, I'm cursing]... I hate, when someone likes to pretending and acting like I'm here know nothing. Ok fine if that Im know nothing, but is it how the way you react to me. Bulleyes'lah. When someone always acting unconsistenly, contradictingly will always makes me soooooo cofusing. Why hypocrites can get me mad... maybe Im alergic with this kind of people...

Why I'm really really hate hypocrites:

Because its make u not real
Because its make u not genuine
Because its make u not original
Because its make u look like a fooled
Because its make u... Im dont wanna belive anymore...

I dont wanna complicating it anymore or resume it yet... Why its getting worse day by day huh. What wrong actually, or Im getting wrong to continuing this. If this maybe the signal for me... [to quit, if there's an option] If im not the one, and you not that one... what can we do...

Im redha... Ya Allah, pls answer me!

[Updates at Apple Centre Midvalley 27 Feb 2005 1355]