When the breasts a treasure chest worth $2.2bn
[My Australasia][Sci Medical & Health]
Mothers of Aussie stand proud, your breasts are worth $2.2 billion a year. [meaning 1.1 billion acup side, ;-)]
A study of breastfeeding by NSW Health says mothers should be counted as food producers and recommends breast pumps be GST-free, putting women in the same category as farmers. [Who will agree with this]
The study also lists the environmental and health benefits of breastfeeding, and recommends mothers feed infants only breast milk to the age of six months and then partially until 12 months.
"Looking at the economics helps support the argument of why we need to encourage and support [breast feeding]," said Liz Develin, the manager of nutrition and physical activity at NSW Health. "It's incredibly expensive to feed babies formula. Then there's the cost of healthcare services that breastfeeding prevents."
The study will form the basis of a new breastfeeding policy.
Julie Smith, an economist at Australian National University, calculated for the study that the 34 million litres of breast milk produced by Australian mothers a year was worth $2.2 billion. This was based on the milk's value in European milk banks, where breast milk is stored and sold.
She estimated that the present and future worth of breastfeeding was $37 billion. But if Australians breastfed their infants for two years as advocated by WHO, that value would be $100 billion. SMH
Useful Links:
Australian Breastfeeding Association
RACGP | Breastfeeding | Policy/Positions
About Breastfeeding
Fathers Support Breastfeeding campaign
Mothers of Aussie stand proud, your breasts are worth $2.2 billion a year. [meaning 1.1 billion a
A study of breastfeeding by NSW Health says mothers should be counted as food producers and recommends breast pumps be GST-free, putting women in the same category as farmers. [Who will agree with this]
The study also lists the environmental and health benefits of breastfeeding, and recommends mothers feed infants only breast milk to the age of six months and then partially until 12 months.
"Looking at the economics helps support the argument of why we need to encourage and support [breast feeding]," said Liz Develin, the manager of nutrition and physical activity at NSW Health. "It's incredibly expensive to feed babies formula. Then there's the cost of healthcare services that breastfeeding prevents."
The study will form the basis of a new breastfeeding policy.
Julie Smith, an economist at Australian National University, calculated for the study that the 34 million litres of breast milk produced by Australian mothers a year was worth $2.2 billion. This was based on the milk's value in European milk banks, where breast milk is stored and sold.
She estimated that the present and future worth of breastfeeding was $37 billion. But if Australians breastfed their infants for two years as advocated by WHO, that value would be $100 billion. SMH
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