24 June 2005

When Im too concern

[My Malaysiana]

... about my Money.

1. Some ppl even think that my almarhum Ayah was a multi millionaire and Im the only his son that inherited a thousand million dollar valued land and properties in Malaysia and over the world especially here in Australia.

2. Some ppl even think that I've secretly respond to the email from Africa II, III, IV and V and now have a million in my deposits [secretly].

3. Some ppl make a mistake whn thy think that I've make a fortune from a dozen domain and website that I owned... Even thought they know and realised that its just a personal weblog and purely non-profit sites. [not a corporate or even paid porno sites]. Hahahaha, even my Google Adsense just enough for valued me a couple of matchbox.

4. Some ppl always think that I'm really love to make charity and donation. Yes I do... but just sometimes and its when I'm really willing to. I dont ever write off what thy owed me for the sake of charity - Never.

5. Some ppl even dare reversed the situation like I'm owed him a thousand... I need to treat him like my debt has an interest, calculate day by day... Even thought the real situation was absolutely vice versa. I'm be obligated with wht thy owe me.

6. Some ppl think that I'm making multi grant a month HERE and I'm really-really feel great with it... And Im always travel by business class... every week to my hometown. Wah!

7. Some ppl think, Im too idiot to managed my owned money or how to count it... then thy have to tell what to do and dont with it. Yes Im appreciate it, thanks a lot for that kindness. But I don't know... whn some ppl say... my money my choice. So just give what Im supposed to - that all. You gets what you pay, and so do I.

8. Some ppl think thy have a valueble thing for me. But when I'm willing and dare to pay for it, whatever price... so I'll expecting what is worth with it... If dont [or when Im found its just a scamm], I'm not too stupidos to ever think for continuing this business. Just keep iT for another kangaroo...

9. Most ppl think that Im now very particular with my money. I'm too materialistic or become money oriented ppl nowadays... What Im do, what Im think and all my decision was driven by money matter. Yes I do, you're totally correct... but its just happened when Im too concern about my Money... . [Just my money not yours] just like you too. After all not ALL money can buy right... I dont dinky-di care what ppl think about me. So ppl, pls dont make me too concern abt it... Im not willing to valued all my life [and what happend on it]... with some price tag.

That all.