WHEN Federal police quiz Muslim over library books
[My Australasia]
A Monash University lecturer has warned students that studying terrorism could make them subject to federal police investigation.
Terrorism expert David Wright-Neville, who now works on Monash University's global terrorism research project, told a packed lecture theatre of second-year politics students that simply showing interest in terrorism could make them a target.
"You need to know that if you are taking this subject, you too are under scrutiny," he said.
The students were studying terrorism and violence in global politics offered by the arts faculty.
Dr Wright-Neville's comments come after a Monash University student told ABC radio he was questioned by federal police over books he had bought and borrowed from the university library.
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A Monash University lecturer has warned students that studying terrorism could make them subject to federal police investigation.
Terrorism expert David Wright-Neville, who now works on Monash University's global terrorism research project, told a packed lecture theatre of second-year politics students that simply showing interest in terrorism could make them a target.
"You need to know that if you are taking this subject, you too are under scrutiny," he said.
The students were studying terrorism and violence in global politics offered by the arts faculty.
Dr Wright-Neville's comments come after a Monash University student told ABC radio he was questioned by federal police over books he had bought and borrowed from the university library.
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