28 February 2005

When govt ask them to hold


Hold it, but not to trash it, yet...


Majlis Peguam setuju tangguh ICM


KUALA LUMPUR 27 Feb. - Majlis Peguam menangguhkan cadangan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) bagi mengelak timbulnya kontroversi agama selaras dengan kehendak Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Pada masa yang sama, Majlis Peguam bersetuju dialog antara agama dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu seperti dicadangkan Perdana Menteri.

Pengerusinya, Khutubul Zaman Bukhari berkata, pihaknya menerima cadangan Perdana Menteri itu dengan hati terbuka.

Beliau memberitahu penangguhan ICM itu kepada Utusan Malaysia hari ini ketika mengulas cadangan Abdullah mengenai perkara tersebut.

Perdana Menteri semalam meminta penubuhan ICM ditangguhkan kerana ia banyak menimbulkan kontroversi.

Selain itu, kata Abdullah, cadangan tersebut juga perlu bagi mengelakkan sensitiviti agama di negara ini.

Kelmarin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pula menyifatkan cadangan itu merupakan syor yang tidak sensitif dengan kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi di negara ini.

27 February 2005

When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

[My Malaysiana]

Thats not a smoke'lah kawan. Thats what we call it, haze [jerebu] claimed one of the worst ever... If im not mistaken since last five years. Covered almost all west cost state since last week. Syukurlah, thanks God. Raining since last morning hav cleared up the view [esp here in KL]... and this cool and breeze Sunday morning have also cheer up my mood for today.

Forget about last night, forget that Im just sleep for three hour today [doing my assignment'lah, what else]... So after class, I've decide to make something different today. Journey to track back the trail... [thats Im really miss it]. Journey to somewhere to refreshing the aire. Dammm, Im forgot tht, its happened thousand years ago.

Ok mates, here about my today [alone] trip to Midvalley + Suria KLCC:
  • LRT Putra from Setiawangsa to KL Sentral RM 1.60
  • KTM Komuter from KL Sentral to Midvalley RM 1.00
  • Hang around Midvalley Apple Center, check email and updates my blog for FREE
  • Go to MPH, lookup book about CSS and Flash FREE
  • Perform Zohor prayer at Jaya Jusco musollah
  • Pet World as usuall, visit all my friends there FREE
  • Will continue tmrw... Im need to go back now! Ngantukk [Now Im @ Cybercaffe]
  • Nasi Campur + Mineral water at Midvalley Food Junction RM 7.67 + RM 2.00
  • Again to MPH, meets Finn Jackson, [I guess] the author of The Escher Cycle books... This mat saleh give talk abt his book at Courtyard. Interestingly, but not many wanna to participate eventhought its FREE
  • Finalise which book Im going to buy... For sure I want it ALL. Finally Im decide to DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guides), cost me RM 67.00
  • Get my copy of this month .net megazine... Luckily just one copy left RM 39.90
  • Before Im getting lost and suffocated in this Midvalley jungle, better Im going out for fresh air. Back to KL Sentral by KTM Komuter RM 1.00
  • Get around KL Sentral, see not much changes at Nile Bookstore FREE
  • LRT Putra to KLCC RM 1.60
  • Perform Asar prayer at KLCC musollah
  • Attack KLCC Kinokuniya, Banzai!!! Searching another books. Alot of good Flash and PHP programming books. Finally, Im decide to going back without buy anything from here... FREE
  • Stop at KLCC Auntie Anne's, buy 1 Premium almond pretz and thy give me 1 Specialty sesame pretz for FREE. Remember that Im still have "Buy 1 Free 1" coupon RM 3.80 + RM 0.18
  • LRT Putra from KLCC to Setiawangsa RM 1.60
  • End of my trip, Midvalley + Suria KLCC revisited... Total Cost: Im not good in calculation, but I know that its PRICELESS to get a chances remembering that once upon luvly day.

    9T9: When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.... I'll kill that smoker ;-! [Yeahh, Im not kidding]
  • Why ICM need to be hold



    PM: Tangguh tubuh ICM -- Adalah lebih baik dimulakan dialog antara pelbagai agama


    TANJUNG MALIM 26 Feb. - Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meminta penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama (ICM) ditangguhkan buat masa ini kerana ia banyak menimbulkan kontroversi.

    Sebaliknya kata beliau, adalah lebih baik ia dimulakan dengan dialog antara pelbagai agama.

    Selain itu kata beliau, cadangan tersebut perlu ditangguhkan bagi mengelakkan sensitiviti agama di negara ini.

    "Jadi, yang penting, saya ingat (cadangan menubuhkan) suruhanjaya itu ditangguh dululah kerana pada waktu ini semangat lebih kepada kontroversi daripada yang lain," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan kilang baru Proton Tanjung Malim di sini hari ini.

    Beliau mengulas hasrat Jawatankuasa Pemandu ICM untuk mengemukakan draf cadangan penubuhan suruhanjaya itu kepada kerajaan dalam masa terdekat ini supaya ia dapat dipertimbangkan.

    Semalam Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, cadangan penubuhan ICM merupakan syor yang tidak sensitif dengan kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi di negara ini.

    Cadangan penubuhan ICM juga telah ditentang hebat pelbagai pihak kerana ia dilihat akan mencampuri urusan agama dan memusuhi undang-undang syariah dengan berselindung di sebalik sebuah badan perundingan dan penasihat.

    Kelmarin, sebanyak 24 pertubuhan agama dan bukan kerajaan termasuk Majlis Peguam menganjurkan Persidangan Kebangsaan ke Arah Penubuhan ICM dan ia dibiayai oleh sebuah Yayasan Konrad Adenauer.

    Menurut Perdana Menteri lagi, apa yang penting pada masa ini ialah persefahaman antara kaum.

    Apa yang lebih baik ialah memulakannya dengan bertukar-tukar fikiran dan dialog untuk memahami apa yang berkaitan dengan amalan penganut agama lain, katanya.

    Beliau berkata, tidak ada gunanya sekiranya usaha itu diteruskan sekiranya ia menimbulkan kontroversi dan akhirnya mendapat bantahan.

    "Jawatankuasa yang mencadangkan penubuhan suruhanjaya itu perlu mengambil kira kontroversi yang telah tercetus kalau tidak suruhanjaya ini tidak akan bererti kerana ia akan dibantah," katanya.

    Abdullah berkata, sebagai seorang Islam beliau diajar supaya bersikap amanah dan adil terhadap rakyat tanpa mengira kaum.

    "Saya terangkan kepada mereka (bukan Islam) tidak ada sebab mereka harus mencurigai saya walaupun saya Perdana Menteri Islam," katanya.

    Beliau berkata dengan penerangan itu, mereka merasa yakin seorang pemimpin Islam menjadi Perdana Menteri kerana dia membawa keadilan dan amanah kepada semua kaum.

    "Sebab itu bila saya perkenal Islam Hadhari ia tidak ditentang oleh orang bukan Islam kerana prinsip-prinsip Islam Hadhari boleh diterima baik oleh mereka." katanya

    From The Star

    PM: Put inter-faith panel idea on hold


    TANJUNG MALIM: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has called on those planning to form the Inter-Faith Commission of Malaysia to put their idea on hold in view of the controversy surrounding it.

    He also urged them to listen to their critics and study the objections against the formation of the commission.

    He added that it would be meaningless to have such a commission if it continued to be criticised.

    "Instead, it will be good if the different religious groups start efforts to enhance inter-faith relations through dialogues.

    "It is not that difficult to understand the religious teachings of others," he said after launching the RM1.8bil Proton manufacturing plant in Proton City here yesterday.

    Delegates at a recent national conference had endorsed a draft Bill on the formation of the commission which they said would be submitted to the Government for it to consider tabling in Parliament.

    Asked about this, Abdullah said: "If they forward it to me, I will accept and look at it."

    Several groups had reportedly opposed the setting up of the commission because they said it might intrude into the authority of Islam.

    Abdullah said all religions taught its followers to be just and honest, adding that this was why non-Muslims did not reject the Government's Islam Hadhari concept when it was proposed.


    Kesucian agama asas pertimbangan halusi cadangan ICM

    KUALA TERENGGANU 26 Feb. - Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, kesucian agama Islam akan dijadikan asas pertimbangan kerajaan dalam menghalusi cadangan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM).

    Tegas beliau, walau apa pun yang cuba dikemukakan oleh Jawatankuasa Pemandu ICM serta Majlis Peguam seperti mana yang terkandung di dalam cadangan itu keutamaan kerajaan ialah memastikan kesucian agama Islam terus dipertahankan.

    "Ini adalah asas pertimbangan kita. Apa jua pertimbangan yang akan dibuat (cadangan menubuhkan ICM) kita mesti menentukan bahawa kesucian agama Islam perlu kita pertahankan sepenuhnya," katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menyempurnakan majlis perasmian penutup Konvensyen UMNO Terengganu 2005 di Primula Beach Resort di sini hari ini.

    Beliau mengulas hasrat Jawatankuasa Pemandu ICM untuk mengemukakan draf cadangan penubuhan suruhanjaya itu kepada kerajaan dalam masa terdekat ini supaya ia dapat dipertimbangkan.

    Cadangan penubuhan ICM telah ditentang hebat pelbagai pihak kerana ia dilihat akan mencampuri urusan agama dan memusuhi undang-undang syariah dengan berselindung di sebalik sebuah badan perundingan dan penasihat.

    Mengulas lanjut, Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, terpulanglah kepada Jawatankuasa Pemandu ICM serta Majlis Peguam untuk mengemukakan draf penubuhan suruhanjaya itu kepada kerajaan.

    Bagaimanapun beliau sekali lagi menegaskan kerajaan tidak semestinya menerima draf tersebut seperti mana yang dikehendaki oleh Majlis Peguam.

    "Tak apalah, mereka hendak buat apa-apa terpulanglah kepada mereka tetapi tidak semestinya kita terima apa kehendak Majlis Peguam kerana kita ada pertimbangan sendiri," katanya.

    What Majlis Peguam said as defence

    Majlis Peguam pertahan ICM

    KUALA LUMPUR 26 Feb. - Majlis Peguam hari ini terus mempertahankan usaha penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) walaupun ditegur oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri semalam mengenai cadangan tersebut yang disifatkan sebagai melulu.

    Sambil menjelaskan bahawa ICM tidak akan menyentuh hak orang Islam seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Pengerusinya, Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari menyeru masyarakat Islam negara ini supaya tidak bimbang dengan penubuhan ICM.

    Tegasnya, ICM tidak akan boleh menyentuh isu-isu sensitif bagi orang Islam seperti mengenai hak orang Islam, undang-undang Islam serta isu murtad.

    "Apa yang akan disentuh adalah mengenai pembentukan persefahaman antara agama melalui perkongsian nilai dan juga sebagai badan penasihat apabila timbulnya isu melibatkan hubungan antara agama.

    "Ia tidak lebih dari itu dan jika masih tidak berpuas hati lagi, kita boleh masukkan mengenai apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh disentuh oleh ICM dalam draf penubuhannya tanpa perlu menolak ICM sama sekali," katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita ketika ditemui selepas Majlis Perasmian Seminar Mengenai Kurang Upaya Tetapi Tidak Berpelajaran - Liberalisasi Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) Melalui Pendidikan.

    Semalam Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyifatkan penubuhan ICM sebagai merupakan syor yang tidak sensitif dengan kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi di negara ini.

    Sehubungan itu Timbalan Perdana Menteri menegur semua pihak yang mencadangkan penubuhannya termasuk Majlis Peguam supaya tidak membuat sebarang cadangan melulu terutama yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam.

    Tambah Kuthubul, pihak-pihak yang menentang penubuhan ICM sebelum ini diminta supaya membaca terlebih dahulu draf penubuhan ICM yang telah selesai dibincangkan pada Persidangan Ke Arah Penubuhan ICM yang berakhir semalam.

    "Jika diteliti draf tersebut saya percaya tidak ada apa kebimbangan yang harus berlaku.

    "Malangnya ramai yang belum apa-apa lagi sudah menolak penubuhan ICM tanpa membuat penelitian dan ini menyebabkan timbulnya tanggapan negatif," tegasnya.

    Ketika ditanya apakah mungkin ICM mempunyai agenda tersembunyi apabila draf yang dirangka itu hanyalah berbentuk am, Kuthubul berkata beliau menafikan perkara tersebut.

    "Saya menolak jika dikatakan ICM ada agenda tersembunyi.

    "Inilah, apabila kita minta datang ke persidangan bagi membincangkan tentang ICM semalam, pertubuhan Islam boikot.

    "Lepas itu timbullah macam-macam andaian sedangkan jika mereka dapat bersama menyertai persidangan, pastinya draf ICM dirangka dengan lebih baik dan menyeluruh membabitkan pandangan dari mereka yang arif dalam semua agama," katanya.

    Mengenai reaksi Timbalan Perdana Menteri berhubung hal ini, Kuthubul berkata beliau menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada kerajaan untuk menentukan.

    "Sama ada ditolak atau diterima sepenuhnya mahu pun diambil sebahagian dan ditolak sebahagian, ia bidang kuasa kerajaan." ujarnya.

    26 February 2005

    Why I'm really really hate hypocritsm

    [My Malaysiana]

    Why it's really kick my arse tonite... What the heck Im talking now [Sorry mom, I'm cursing]... I hate, when someone likes to pretending and acting like I'm here know nothing. Ok fine if that Im know nothing, but is it how the way you react to me. Bulleyes'lah. When someone always acting unconsistenly, contradictingly will always makes me soooooo cofusing. Why hypocrites can get me mad... maybe Im alergic with this kind of people...

    Why I'm really really hate hypocrites:

    Because its make u not real
    Because its make u not genuine
    Because its make u not original
    Because its make u look like a fooled
    Because its make u... Im dont wanna belive anymore...

    I dont wanna complicating it anymore or resume it yet... Why its getting worse day by day huh. What wrong actually, or Im getting wrong to continuing this. If this maybe the signal for me... [to quit, if there's an option] If im not the one, and you not that one... what can we do...

    Im redha... Ya Allah, pls answer me!

    [Updates at Apple Centre Midvalley 27 Feb 2005 1355]

    When we actually not really ready for this



    Syor tubuh ICM melulu - Najib -- 'Tidak sensitif dengan kedudukan Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara'


    PEKAN 25 Feb. - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, cadangan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) merupakan syor yang tidak sensitif dengan kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi di negara ini.

    Timbalan Perdana Menteri juga menegur semua pihak yang mencadangkan penubuhannya termasuk Majlis Peguam supaya tidak membuat sebarang cadangan melulu terutama yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam.

    Beliau mengingatkan bahawa sebarang isu berkaitan dengan agama Islam adalah amat sensitif dan perlu dinilai secara serius sebelum sebarang cadangan dibentangkan kepada umum.

    "Apa-apa yang bersabit agama Islam adalah perkara yang sensitif, jadi kita (kerajaan) berharap semua pihak mengambil kira hakikat ini dan sebarang cadangan perlulah mengambil kira kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi," jelasnya pada sidang akhbar selepas Majlis Perasmian Pengeluaran Ulung Mercedes-Benz E-Class dari kilang pemasangan MTB di sini hari ini.

    Cadangan penubuhan ICM ditentang hebat pelbagai pihak kerana ia dilihat akan mencampuri urusan agama dan memusuhi undang-undang syariah dengan berselindung di sebalik sebuah badan perundingan dan penasihat.

    Semalam, sebanyak 24 pertubuhan agama dan bukan kerajaan termasuk Majlis Peguam menganjurkan Persidangan Kebangsaan Ke Arah Penubuhan ICM dan ia dibiayai oleh sebuah Yayasan Konrad Adenauer.

    Sementara itu, banyak pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) turut berpendapat, usaha Majlis Peguam itu patut dikecam kerana cuba mencabar Islam.

    Majlis Peguam pula sebaliknya menyifatkan penubuhan ICM tidak sekali-kali akan memainkan peranan selaku badan penghakiman terhadap pelbagai masalah membabitkan umat Islam termasuk isu murtad.

    Mengulas lanjut, Najib berkata, semua pihak harus sedar bahawa Islam merupakan agama rasmi dan telahpun mempunyai badan-badan yang berkuasa dalam membuat sebarang penentuan berkaitan agama itu.

    Beliau berkata: "Yang kita galakkan ialah dialog antara agama tetapi tidak semestinya dalam bentuk suruhanjaya dan sebagainya."

    Menurut beliau, pentadbiran berkaitan agama Islam di negara ini sudah cukup mantap melalui beberapa pihak berkuasa yang dilantik kerajaan.

    Najib juga meluahkan harapan agar isu berkenaan tidak diperbesarkan dengan mengambil kira sensitiviti masyarakat Islam di negara ini.

    "Semua pihak berhak untuk membuat cadangan tetapi tidak semua cadangan akan diterima," katanya.

    From UTUSAN ONLINE too

    Sensitiviti umat Islam tidak dijaga

    BANGI 25 Feb. - Persidangan Ke Arah Penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) yang berakhir hari ini jelas tidak memperlihatkan kesungguhan penganjur dan peserta untuk memahami serta menjaga sensitiviti umat Islam yang merupakan penduduk majoriti di negara ini.

    Ini dapat disaksikan apabila beberapa peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan berhubung perlindungan terhadap keistimewaan agama Islam disepakati untuk digugurkan daripada mukadimah draf suruhanjaya berkenaan.

    Sehubungan itu seorang Profesor di Fakulti Undang-Undang Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) yang menghadiri persidangan itu menyifatkan langkah tersebut sememangnya akan sama sekali menyebabkan ICM tidak boleh ditubuhkan.

    Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi berkata, apa yang diputuskan dalam persidangan tersebut jelas tidak memahami tentang kehendak umat Islam sedangkan perkara ini boleh diatasi dengan mudah iaitu mengikuti sahaja apa yang dibataskan dalam Perlembagaan.

    "Mereka sebenarnya akan gagal untuk menubuhkan ICM dan ia hanya akan menjadi satu perbincangan akademik semata-mata," kata beliau kepada Utusan Malaysia selepas persidangan tersebut di sini hari ini.

    Beliau mengulas mengenai perbincangan pada hari terakhir persidangan dua hari itu yang menolak untuk menyatakan secara khusus dalam draf mukadimah penubuhan ICM mengenai halangan penyebaran agama lain terhadap orang Islam dalam Artikel 11 (4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    Tegas beliau, apa yang berlaku sekarang, persidangan telah memutuskan untuk tidak menyatakan secara spesifik mengenai peruntukan Perlembagaan yang melindungi agama Islam dalam draf ICM.

    "Malah sewaktu perbincangan mengenainya, ada peserta berhujah dengan mengatakan 'apa yang istimewa pada Islam hingga perlu dimasukkan peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut?

    "Ini bagi saya adalah suatu yang tidak sepatutnya ditimbulkan kerana Islam adalah agama kepada Persekutuan dan ia mempunyai kedudukan eksklusif dalam Perlembagaan yang membabitkan kontrak sosial sewaktu negara mencapai kemerdekaan," katanya.

    Tambah Shad Saleem, peruntukan keistimewaan terhadap agama yang dianuti oleh rakyat sesebuah negara sebenarnya turut terdapat dalam Perlembagaan di negara-negara lain.

    Katanya, sebagai contoh di Nepal dengan agama Hindu, Filipina dan Ireland dengan agama Kristian dan ini tidak boleh dipertikaikan oleh rakyat mengapa tidak ada peruntukan yang istimewa pada agama lain.

    "Di Malaysia, Islam telah dianuti berabad lamanya dan oleh itu kita kena terima kedudukannya yang mempunyai keistimewaan tertentu seperti sekarang.

    "Sehubungan itu ICM perlu dirangka mengikut lunas Perlembagaan dan mana yang berkaitan keistimewaan Islam seperti yang dijamin dalam Perlembagaan maka ia perlu dinyatakan secara jelas dalam draf penubuhan suruhanjaya itu.

    "Jika itu dapat diikuti maka saya memang bersetuju dengan penubuhan ICM kerana ia dapat mengelakkan dari percampuran terhadap urusan agama Islam sebaliknya membataskan kepada apa yang sepatut ICM lakukan seperti memupuk persefahaman antara agama melalui pendidikan," ujarnya.

    From Berita Harian

    Sensitiviti umat Islam mesti dijaga: TPM

    By Ahmad Ghazali Musa

    PEKAN: Datuk Seri Najib Razak mahu sebarang cadangan membabitkan hal berkaitan agama Islam dibuat berhati-hati dengan mengambil kira kedudukannya sebagai agama rasmi dan sensitiviti seluruh umatnya di negara ini.

    Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, pihak yang mengemukakan cadangan mengenai agama Islam perlu peka bahawa wujud pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pentadbiran agama Islam.

    “Apa yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam adalah sensitif. Sebab itu kita harap semua pihak mengambil kira hakikat ini dan sebarang cadangan mengenainya mestilah mengambil kira kedudukan Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

    “Kita juga perlu sedar wujud pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pentadbiran agama Islam dalam negara kita.

    “Sebab itulah, sebarang perkara yang membabitkan agama Islam tidak perlu diperbesar-besarkan dengan mengambil kira kedudukannya sebagai agama rasmi dan sensitiviti umat Islam,” katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas majlis perasmian pengeluaran sulung kereta Mercedes Benz E-Class di kilang pemasangan Malaysia Truck & Bus Sdn Bhd (MTB) di Pekan, semalam.

    Najib diminta mengulas cadangan Majlis Peguam yang membincangkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama (IRC) pada persidangan dua hari di Bangi, Selangor yang berakhir semalam.

    Cadangan itu mendapat reaksi negatif pelbagai pertubuhan yang menyifatkannya sebagai mencampuri urusan agama lain serta mengganggu sensitiviti umat Islam di negara ini.

    Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin sebelum ini turut membidas Majlis Peguam kerana mencadangkan penubuhan IRC yang bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, semua pihak bebas buat cadangan kepada kerajaan yang kemudian akan membincangkan perkara itu, tetapi tidak semestinya cadangan sedemikian akan diterima.

    “Kita akan kaji sedalam-dalamnya berhubung perkara ini kerana membabitkan kedudukan agama Islam. Perkara ini amat sensitif. Dari segi pentadbiran sudah wujud struktur dan kuasa yang sabit dengan agama Islam.

    “Kita galakkan ialah buat dialog, tetapi tak semestinya dalam bentuk suruhanjaya dan sebagainya. Semua cadangan akan kita kaji dan buat keputusan di kemudian hari,” katanya.

    But in "another tone" in English lang Newspaper...

    From The Star

    Inter-faith Bill gets thumbs-up


    BANGI: After two days of thorough discussions, delegates to a national conference gave full endorsement to a draft Bill on the formation of an Inter-faith Commission of Malaysia.

    They came to the consensus that the draft Bill be submitted to the Government for it to consider tabling in Parliament.

    In a statement, the 100-odd participants – who included religious leaders, public interest groups and academicians – called on Prime Minster Datuk Seri Ahmad Abdullah Badawi to note and implement the conclusions of the conference.

    Among other things, the meeting:

    ·AFFIRMED its support of existing initiatives to enhance inter-faith relations by the Government and society;

    ·REAFFIRMED every individual’s right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief towards harmonious co-existence in Malaysian society; and

    ·RECOGNISED the urgent need for a statutory inter-faith body of an advisory, consultative and conciliatory nature for the protection and promotion of peace and harmony.

    The president of the steering committee towards the formation of the inter-faith commission, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, said that based on feedback received at the conference, the drafting team would work on fine-tuning the draft Bill.

    “Within the next week or so, we’ll vet and finalise the Bill and forward it to the Government through various channels such as the Prime Minister’s Department and the Attorney-General’s Chambers,” he said.

    He said the committee was ready to have discussions with interested parties and eager to meet both supporters and critics of the Bill.

    In Pekan, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Government welcomed an inter-faith dialogue but added that it did not have to be in the form of a commission.

    He said not all ideas brought up on the matter would be accepted by the Government.

    “The people are free to present their views. The Government will study the ideas first and we will make the decisions later,” ZULKIFLI ABDUL RAHMAN reported him as saying.

    Asked to comment on groups that are reportedly against the proposal to set up the commission because they are concerned that it might intrude into the authority of the Islamic groups, Najib said he realised that any matter involving religion was a sensitive issue.

    Conference moderator Ramdas Tikamdas, who is also the Bar Council human rights commission vice-president, said the Muslim community was significantly represented "but a lot needs to be done to convince the mainstream groups on the benefits of this mechanism in the context of a plural society."

    On the draft Bill, he said: "There were many suggestions made from the floor, and from the process of consensus and consultancy, the final draft was unanimously agreed upon."

    Related Links
  • Why we need to listen 1st
  • National interfaith panel proposed
  • 25 February 2005

    Why we need to listen 1st



    Religious groups urged not to write off inter-faith panel

    BANGI: Religious groups have been urged not to discount the proposal for a national interfaith commission without first listening to and understanding the details.

    Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said that from a cultural viewpoint, such a meeting was important.

    "We should not be so prejudiced even before knowing what the issue is. Other religions also have the right to state their views."

    He said this during a press conference here yesterday, after opening a two-day national interfaith conference entitled Towards the Formation of the Interfaith Commission of Malaysia.

    Dr Rais said this after several Islamic groups boycotted the conference on the grounds that such a proposal, if put into practice would be anti-Islamic.

    He said that he was not informed of the actual reasons for their absence.

    "If the notion of working together intra-religiously is not accepted, that itself is questionable, in my opinion," he said.

    In his speech, Rais said the conference was a milestone event that attempted to bring together diverse religious groups in a bid to strengthen interaction among the different faiths.

    "An ultra-Muslim might interpret my being here as lending credibility to a movement that is contrary to their own subjective thoughts on what is Islamic and what is not.

    "To those who think that way, I would say to them that any lifting of a finger to make mankind more co-operative towards understanding each other is worth the effort," he said.

    Malaysia Interfaith Network chairman Datuk Dr Anwar Fazal said there was a need to develop credible interfaith mechanisms to allow people of all faiths to enter into an honest and open dialogue.

    He said that while Malaysia could be viewed as a model of interfaith harmony, a commission would allow religious groups to attempt to resolve "burning issues" and tensions in a constructive and caring manner.

    "A polarising tendency, locally and globally, can overwhelm us if we do not work hard at building the mechanisms for this new and dangerous times," he said at the sidelines of the conference.

    Christian Federation Malaysia executive-secretary Rev Dr Herman Shastri said such a commission would help resolve issues that were sensitive, such as places of worship and the freedom to practise one's faith.

    Seputeh MP Teresa Kok said it was regrettable that several Islamic groups had chosen not to attend the conference, adding that an "exclusivity-mindset" should not overshadow religious harmony.

    Sisters in Islam programme manager Masjaliza Hamzah said she hoped that, should the commission be approved, its membership would reflect a balanced representation of gender and religions.

    Give views on inter-faith panel

    PETALING JAYA: Groups opposed to the setting up of the Inter-Faith Commission (IFC) have been invited to attend a conference today and tomorrow to state their views.

    The president of the Steering Committee of the Initiative Towards the Formation of the Inter-Faith Commission, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, said there seemed to be some misconception about the proposed IFC.

    Among those groups which are opposed to the establishment of the IFC is the Allied Co-ordinating Committee of Islamic NGOs (ACCIN), which is made up of 12 Islamic non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

    Malik said ACCIN should attend the conference.

    Former ACCIN chairman Datuk Mustapha Ma had earlier said the constitutional right to practise one’s religion did not extend to interfering in the teachings of other religions.

    “ACCIN’s stand on religious harmony includes that non-Muslims have no right to interfere in the teachings and practices of Islam,” he said recently.

    “Furthermore, intra-faith issues of a particular religion should be handled by the followers of that religion,” he said.

    Malik said the IFC had no intention of interfering with the teachings of Islam and stressed that the proposed commission would be merely a consultative body with no legal power to interfere with any religion.

    “We will just make recommendations and then leave it up to the proper authorities to take further action,” he said.

    Malik added that the ACCIN need not be worried about lack of representation from the Muslims as the IFC draft bill had provided for Islamic religious council members to be appointed in the proposed commission.

    “ACCIN seems to envisage the proposed IFC to be far more powerful than it really is. This is inaccurate, seeing how our own objectives and proposals are self-limiting as it is,” he said.

    However, PAS will boycott the two-day conference, saying that the formation of such a body would interfere with the principles and practice of Islam.

    PAS Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub said the party was not against interfaith dialogues to bring better understanding among the various religions, but found that IFC had “very clear intentions to discuss and interfere with the principles and teachings of Islam.”

    “That is the main reason the party and the majority of Muslim organisations are against the setting up of the commission,” he said when contacted yesterday.

    Salahuddin added that the IFC would, for example, discuss the issue of apostasy (murtad) which was “very fundamental in the Islamic teachings”.

    He said non-Muslims should not debate about apostasy because it is an Islamic issue and should be left only to the Muslims.


    Kerajaan tidak terikat penubuhan suruhanjaya

    BANGI 24 Feb. - Kerajaan tidak terikat sepenuhnya dengan cadangan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) tetapi dalam masa yang sama tidak akan mengetepikan sebarang pandangan mengenainya.

    Menteri Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, Jabatan Peguam Negara juga boleh bertindak membetulkan pandangan kumpulan yang mencadangkan penubuhan suruhanjaya itu jika ia didapati bercanggah dengan undang-undang.

    ``Apabila mereka bersidang kita dengar dan lihat apa yang terkandung (dalam cadangan mereka).

    ``Jangan putuskan dulu sedangkan kita tidak tahu apa yang mereka kemukakan,'' kata beliau pada sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Persidangan Kebangsaan Ke Arah Penubuhan ICM di sini hari ini.

    Persidangan itu adalah anjuran Majlis Peguam bersama lebih 24 pertubuhan pelbagai agama dan dibiayai oleh Yayasan Konrad Adenauer.

    Program itu adalah lanjutan daripada siri perbincangan sejak 2003 yang bertujuan menubuhkan sebuah suruhanjaya bagi menangani masalah atau konflik melibatkan pelbagai agama di negara ini.

    Bagaimanapun, cadangan itu dibantah keras pelbagai pihak terutama pertubuhan Islam yang mengambil keputusan tidak menyertai persidangan itu kerana beranggapan ia cuba mencampuri urusan agama Islam.

    Hadir sama ialah Pengerusi Majlis Peguam, Khutubul Zaman Bukhari; Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pemandu Penubuhan ICM, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar dan wakil Yayasan Konrad Adenauer, Peter Schier.

    Rais berkata, pihaknya tetap berpegang dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang membenarkan kebebasan mengemukakan pandangan dan tidak mahu pihak tertentu bersikap prejudis dan cepat membuat hukuman.

    Beliau menyifatkan persidangan berkenaan tidak bercanggah dengan perlembagaan dan prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara sebaliknya memberikan peluang kepada para pemimpin agama di negara ini untuk mengenali antara satu sama lain.

    ``Penganut agama lain mempunyai hak untuk mencurah pandangan, kalau ini pun tidak boleh diterima maka terserahlah...

    ``Semangat untuk bekerjasama sepatutnya tidak boleh diketepikan dan jikalau perbincangan antara agama tidak dapat diterima, itu boleh dipersoalkan,'' ujar beliau.

    Beliau menjelaskan, Malaysia perlu melangkah ke hadapan untuk mewujudkan persefahaman di kalangan pelbagai agama termasuk menubuhkan sebuah badan bagi tujuan itu dan ia adalah selaras dengan konsep Islam Hadhari.

    Rais berkata, interaksi yang lebih kerap di kalangan pemimpin pelbagai agama adalah baik untuk negara ini.

    ``Dalam konteks ini kementerian saya memainkan peranan supaya kita terus mengadun masyarakat yang bersatu padu dalam pelbagai aspek seperti hari kebesaran agama-agama dapat urus bersama.

    ``Tidak ada sebab kita tidak boleh bersama mengadun pertalian persahabatan antara agama,'' ujar beliau.

    Mengenai keengganan pertubuhan Islam menerima cadangan penubuhan ICM, beliau menjelaskan, ia terserah kepada pihak terbabit untuk membuat penilaian tetapi lebih baik mereka mendengar sendiri apakah hujah-hujah yang hendak dikemukakan oleh kumpulan terbabit.

    Katanya, usaha mewujudkan suruhanjaya tersebut tidak semestinya perlu diterima 100 peratus dan pada ketika ini ia menjadi satu polemik yang membenarkan sesiapa sahaja mengemukakan pandangan.

    ``Bukan mudah untuk menghayati pelbagai proses pemikiran yang memerlukan tapisan tetapi untuk jangka panjang ia sesuatu yang tidak harus diketepikan sebelum diteliti,'' katanya.

    Jawatankuasa ICM nafi penubuhan pengaruhi urusan Islam


    BANGI 24 Feb. - Jawatankuasa Pemandu Penubuhan Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia (ICM) menafikan dakwaan pelbagai pihak bahawa penubuhan badan itu akan mempengaruhi urusan agama Islam.

    Pengerusinya, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar berkata, suruhanjaya itu juga tidak sekali-kali akan menjadi badan penghakiman terhadap pelbagai masalah membabitkan umat Islam termasuk kes murtad.

    Sebaliknya beliau menjelaskan, ICM dicadangkan untuk bertindak menjadi perunding dan pendamai sebagaimana yang telah dirangka dalam kertas cadangan penubuhannya.

    ``Dalam isu seperti murtad, kita tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk membuat keputusan, sebaliknya hanya boleh mengemukakan pandangan.

    ``Misalnya kita memberikan cadangan bahawa sesuatu kes sepatutnya begini... jangan penjara tetapi beri kaunseling, namun ia terpulang kepada kerajaan atau jabatan agama untuk membuat penelitian,'' katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita pada sesi rehat selepas majlis perasmian Persidangan Kebangsaan Ke Arah Penubuhan ICM oleh Menteri Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim, di sini hari ini.

    Malik yang juga seorang peguam berkata, ICM bukan hanya akan memberikan fokus kepada masalah berkaitan dengan Islam sebaliknya mencakupi agama-agama lain.

    ``Jadi kritikan yang memikirkan bahawa kita hanya akan fokus kepada Islam itu adalah tidak betul,'' katanya.

    Tambah beliau, ICM berhasrat mahu menangani sebarang tekanan dan konflik yang berlaku membabitkan pelbagai agama di negara ini.

    Katanya, dengan wujudnya sebuah badan berkanun, sebarang konflik dapat ditangani dengan berkesan berbanding jika hanya dikendalikan oleh pertubuhan bukan kerajaan atau perseorangan.

    ``Takkan semua isu kita hendak bawa ke mahkamah, sedangkan ia merupakan jalan penyelesaian yang terakhir,'' ujar Imtiaz.

    Sementara itu Pengerusi Majlis Peguam Malaysia, Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari berkata, usaha menubuhkan suruhanjaya tersebut tidak sekali-kali berhasrat untuk mencabar mana-mana badan agama atau pandangan Islam.

    Jelas beliau, persidangan tersebut merupakan satu proses mengenal pasti nilai etika yang standard untuk digunakan bagi mencapai keharmonian agama di negara ini.

    ``Saya percaya jawatankuasa penubuhan ICM akan melihat hasil perbincangan dalam persidangan ini dan para peserta bebas memberi pandangan, selepas itu baru mereka akan tahu apakah sebenarnya matlamat suruhanjaya itu,'' ujar beliau.

    Menurut Kuthubul Zaman, penubuhan ICM juga tidak mempunyai sebarang kepentingan dengan kerajaan atau melanggar mana-mana peruntukan undang-undang.

    ``Majlis Peguam juga sebenarnya tidak pernah berhasrat untuk menjadi juara dan bertindak menerajui penubuhan ICM.

    ``Kami hanya membantu melicinkan penganjuran persidangan ini,'' katanya.

    24 February 2005

    What another trick from SPAMMER - Gmail Admin


    I've got this [Email] from someone out there. But his name qaieiaae or qaiqiaai [What a strange name...] claimed to be Admin from Gmail. He/She hav using admin@gmail.com email address that makes it so convincing. But I'm aware with that .zip file attachment. To be safe, for sure i wont open it and need to be remove. Anyone also received thiss???

    Read that Warning from Gmail...

    Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information. Learn more

    9T9: Gmail SPAM buster dont work this time.

    23 February 2005

    When LEAD can lead to violent and crime

    [Sci Medical & Health]

    Beware of this LEAD polution if you loves your young one. Its not just from petrol [which what we always think], lead exposure may comes from drinking water, air, food, contaminated soil and through dust and peeling or flaking paint.

    We can't denying that religion and LOVE can be the best way to preventing crime... but this LEAD maybe one of the element that can contiminated iT. Maybe some research here can show us something.

    Lead Exposure May Help Drive Violent Youth Crime

    FRIDAY, Feb. 18 (HealthDay News) -- Lead exposure may be a major factor behind violent crimes committed by young people, and the U.S. government must do more to remove lead from the environment, according to one leading expert.

    "When environmental lead finds its way into the developing brain, it disturbs neural mechanisms responsible for regulation of impulse. That can lead to antisocial and criminal behavior. The government needs to do more to eliminate sources of lead in the environment," said Dr. Herbert L. Needleman, a professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and one of the first researchers to identify cognitive effects in children exposed to lead.

    Needleman spoke Feb. 19 at the American Academy for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

    According to experts at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, people can be exposed to lead through drinking water, air, food, contaminated soil and through dust and peeling or flaking paint. Until the 1970s, lead was used in gasoline, paint and older water pipes, and much of that lead is still present in the environment today.

    A 1996 study conducted by University of Pittsburgh researchers found that children with the highest concentrations of lead also displayed the highest levels of aggression and delinquency on standard behavioral tests.

    "The brain, particularly the frontal lobes, are important in the regulation of behavior," Needleman said in a prepared statement. "Exposure to lead, at doses below those which bring children to medical attention, is associated with increased aggression, disturbed attention and delinquency. A meaningful strategy to reduce crime is to eliminate lead from the environment of children."

    More information

    The U.S. National Center for Environmental Health has more about lead.

    21 February 2005

    Why dozens getting sick at Australia airport

    [My Australasia]

    A passenger terminal at Melbourne airport has been evacuated after dozens of people were taken ill following a suspected chemical leak.

    At least 45 people were hospitalised suffering nausea, vomiting and respiratory problems, an ambulance service spokesman said.

    Hundreds of others were evacuated from the Virgin Blue domestic terminal where the leak is thought to have occurred.

    Domestic flights both in and out of Melbourne have been severely delayed.

    Most of those who fell ill were security and airline staff, according to airport officials.

    By mid-afternoon the majority had been released from hospital, but the terminal remains closed while emergency services look for the source of the leak.

    Melbourne Airport spokeswoman Brooke Lord said: "Initially... there was immediate testing done of the air quality and the air conditioning systems, and nothing was identified through that that could have caused the problem.

    "But as we got further reports of people feeling unwell, as a precaution, the aviation rescue and firefighting [crews] working on site decided to evacuate the terminal," she told the Australian news agency AAP.

    When bad habit die hard for that snatcher


    From The Star

    Snatch thief back to old ways after serving time

    KLANG: Six months behind bars for theft appeared to have left no impression on a 23-year-old man who was caught for stealing just after he was released.

    He and an accomplice snatched a purse belonging to a 44-year-old florist who had left it lying on the counter at her shop in Port Klang on Thursday.

    She ran after the thieves, screaming for help and passers-by joined in the chase. They caught and overpowered him and handed him over to the police.

    They recovered her purse, which had RM400 and her identity card.

    The accomplice got away.

    OCPD Asst Comm Jamil Ayub confirmed that the suspect from Kampung Johan Setia was recently released from jail.

    "I would like to commend the public for helping the florist. This is a true example of how the public should react.

    "Unfortunately, most people prefer to be bystanders," he said, adding that the district police were on the lookout for the second man.

    In a separate incident, two policemen who were on their crime prevention rounds, nabbed a snatch thief a short distance from the spot where he had wrested a handbag from a 65-year-old woman on Thursday.

    The two policemen, ACP Jamil said, were near the crime scene at Jalan Rajawali, at 10.45am, when they heard the victim shouting for help.

    "They quickly gave chase and caught the suspect," he said, adding that their investigations revealed that the suspect, who had previous convictions, was a drug addict.

    18 February 2005

    Where's that hit and run away


    From The Star

    Comatose woman may be paralysed

    PENANG: The 56-year-old woman motorcyclist who may be a hit-and-run accident victim is unlikely to make a full recovery.

    Doctors treating Khoo Poh Kim have told her relatives that even if she survived, she might suffer from paralysis or memory loss.

    Khoo's nephew, Kelvin Goh, said the doctors had told him that his aunt was not showing any signs of recovery after undergoing brain surgery on Tuesday and Wednesday night.

    "The doctors are unable to confirm her actual condition at this point, but they told me her chances of full recovery are very slim," he said.

    A semi-conscious Khoo, who is single, was found in a pool of blood beside her badly damaged motorcycle at the Bukit Dumbar flyover here at 6.30pm on Tuesday. She was clutching her handbag.

    Despite the bleak prognosis, Goh said he was not giving up hope.

    He believed that his aunt was a victim of an attempted snatch theft.

    However, State police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Christopher Wan, who visited Khoo yesterday morning, called on the media and the public not to "jump to conclusions".

    He said Khoo might not be a snatch theft victim but could have been involved in a hit-and-run accident.

    He said police needed more information to get a clearer picture of what had happened.

    "I hope witnesses will come forward and extend their cooperation to the police immediately," he said.

    Previous Post
  • When we can stop this snatch
  • What we supposed to do during the days of Muharram.


    Assalamualaikum Wbh dan salam sejahtera buat semua.

    Hari ni 9 Muharram, bulan yang pertama bagi kalendar 1426 hijrah ummat Islam. Esoknya pulak adalah 10 Muharram yang juga dikenali sebagai hari Aasyura, mengikut riwayatnya dikatakan mempunyai banyak sejarah dan keberkatannya, Insya Allah.

    Berikut adalah antara kelebihan melakukan ibadah puasa sunnat dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang dikatakan berlaku pada 10 Muharram.

    Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a berkata Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda : "Sesiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Aasyura (10 Muharram) maka Allah S.W.T akan memberi kepadanya pahala 10,000 malaikat dan sesiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Aasyura (10 Muharram) maka akan diberi pahala 10,000 orang berhaji dan berumrah, dan 10,000 pahala orang mati syahid, dan barang siapa yang mengusap kepala anak-anak yatim pada hari tersebut maka Allah S.W.T akan menaikkan dengan setiap rambut satu darjat. Dan sesiapa yang memberi makan kepada orang yang berbuka puasa pada orang mukmin pada hari Aasyura, maka seolah-olah dia memberi makan pada seluruh ummat Rasulullah S.A.W yang berbuka puasa dan mengenyangkan perut mereka."

    Lalu para sahabat bertanya Rasulullah S.A.W : "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, adakah Allah telah melebihkan hari Aasyura daripada hari-hari lain?". Maka berkata Rasulullah S.A.W :
  • "Ya, memang benar, Allah Taala menjadikan langit dan bumi pada hari Aasyura,
  • menjadikan laut pada hari Aasyura,
  • menjadikan bukit-bukit pada hari Aasyura,
  • menjadikan Nabi Adam dan juga Hawa pada hari Aasyura,
  • lahirnya Nabi Ibrahim juga pada hari Aasyura,
  • dan Allah S.W.T menyelamatkan Nabi Ibrahim dari api juga pada hari Aasyura,
  • Allah S.W.T menenggelamkan Fir'aun pada hari Aasyura,
  • menyembuhkan penyakit Nabi Ayyub a.s pada hari Aasyura,
  • Allah S.W.T menerima taubat Nabi Adam pada hari Aasyura,
  • Allah S.W.T mengampunkan dosa Nabi Daud pada hari Aasyura,
  • Allah S.W.T mengembalikan kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman juga pada hari Aasyura, dan akan terjadi hari kiamat itu juga pada hari Aasyura !".

  • From Islam Online

    Fasting the 9th & 10th of Muharram: Virtues & Rules

    Question of Fatwa
    Scholars of Islam, As-Salamu `alaykum. What are the virtues and rules of fasting the 9th and 10th of Muharram? Jazakum Allah khayran.

    Reply By
    Group of Muftis

    Wa 'alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear brother in Islam, thanks a lot for your question and the interest you show in having a clearer view of the true teachings of Islam. May Allah help you get the right understanding and stand firm on the Straight Path, Amen!

    First of all, it is very important to make it clear that fasting on the day of 'Ashura' - the 10th of Muharram- is of great merits in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Fasting the day of 'Ashura' (is of great merits), I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year" (Muslim).

    Also, fasting the 9th of Muharram is highly recommended by the Sunnah. Imam At-Tirmidhi reported that Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) used to say: We should fast on two days: the 9th and 10th of Muharram to distinguish ourselves from the Jewish community. (At-Tirmidhi)

    Explaining the virtue of fasting on the 9th and the 10th of Muharram, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, states:

    It is the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him used to fast on the day of 'Ashura'. When he came to Madinah, he found out that the Jews of Madinah were also fasting on this day remembering Prophet Musa (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) admired this tradition and said to the Jews, "I am closer to Musa than you are." He fasted and he also told his Companions to fast on this day.

    Later, before the end of his life, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told Muslims to add the 9th day also. Thus, it is recommended to fast on both the 9th and 10th of Muharram.

    Moreover, in his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states:

    Abu Hurayrah reported: "I asked the Prophet: 'Which Prayer is the best after the obligatory Prayers?' He said: 'Prayer during the mid of the night.' I asked: 'Which fasting is the best after that of Ramadan?' He said, 'The month of Allah that you call Muharram'" (Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Dawud).

    Mu`awiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Concerning the day of 'Ashura', it is not obligatory upon you to fast on it as I do. Whoever wishes may fast and whoever does not wish to is not obliged to do so" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    It is noteworthy that Muslim scholars have stated that fasting of 'Ashura' is of three levels as follows:

    1. fasting for three days, i.e., on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of Muharram,

    2. fasting the 9th and 10th of Muharram, and

    3. fasting only the 10th of Muharram.

    Read also [From Islam Online]:
  • Days of Muharram: Ethics and Significance
  • Virtues of the Month of Muharram & Fasting During It
  • The Significance of Fasting the Day of 'Ashura'
  • Adornment and Applying Kohl on the Day of 'Ashura'
  • Fasting `Ashura' in Accordance with the Jews
  • Fasting 'Ashura' When One Owes Days From Ramadan

    Wallau 'alam, Allah Almighty knows best
  • 17 February 2005

    When kindness give them joy

    [My Malaysiana]

    From The Star

    Women's group gives fire victim a wedding to cherish


    JOHOR BARU: Nurul Faizah Abdul Rahman had made grand plans for her wedding reception but her dreams were shattered, when she lost everything in a fire that destroyed her house in Kampung Skudai Kiri on Tuesday.

    However, thanks to Mawar - the Johor Women's Council - Nurul Faizah and Mustafa Shah Ismail had their wedding reception yesterday afternoon.

    The Mawar team was at the community hall in Kampung Skudai Kiri, which was being used as a temporary shelter, to find out how they could assist the 174 fire victims, when they were told about Nurul Faizah.

    "It so happened that we were launching our wedding package today (Wednesday). When we heard about Nurul Faizah's predicament, we decided to invite her to bersanding with us," Mawar secretary-general Raja Aubidah Raja Abdul Rashid said.

    An elated Nurul Faizah said she immediately called her husband and they both agreed to the plan.

    "At least I have the chance to bersanding, put on pretty clothes and have our pictures taken as the 'King and Queen' for the day.

    "I shall never forget their (Mawar's) kindness," said Nurul Faizah.

    She and Mustafa had solemnised their marriage on Feb 6 and were planning to have their bersanding ceremony on March 6.

    Nurul Faizah was inconsolable after the fire, as she not only lost her house but also the RM5,000 duit hantaran from her husband, a newly-purchased bedroom set and her wedding attire.

    Her house was among the 36 squatter homes destroyed in the fire.

    Meanwhile, Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said the state housing department had offered to rent out flats at Bukit Chagar and Taman Cendana to the fire victims, at between RM80 and RM100 a month.

    Where ur mobile need to be off

    [My Malaysiana]

    From The Star

    Schools bar students from using cellphones

    STUDENTS are prohibited from using their cellular phones during school hours, according to a report in Nanyang Siang Pau.

    A Penang Education Department spokesman said students with cellphones had abused their use as many were making calls or sending SMS messages during school hours.

    He said school authorities also had to deal with unnecessary problems, such as cases of cellphones reported missing in the school premises.

    Although there was no directive from the ministry prohibiting the use of cellphones in schools, he said many Penang schools had already implemented the move.

    He added that students who flouted the rules would face disciplinary action and would have their handphones confiscated.

    However, the ban will not imposed on schoolteachers.

    When your act now being cought, so beware!


    From The Star

    Cops to monitor crime hotspots via CCTVs

    JOHOR BARU: Fighting crime here will receive a major boost from next month when closed-circuit TVs (CCTVs) are installed at crime "hotspots."

    Datuk Bandar Datuk Wahid Dahlan said the council has gotten a supplier to install the CCTVs for RM500,000 at six critical locations.

    They would be installed in Jalan Wong Ah Fook (City Square), Jalan Tun Razak, Jalan Datuk Sulaiman (Holiday Plaza) and Jalan Maju (near Plaza Pelangi).

    "We are not putting the plan on hold as it is crucial in helping to reduce crime, boost public safety and deter snatch thefts. "The council hopes that the installation of closed-circuit televisions in these areas will help prevent negative activities from taking place.

    "It is our aim to make Johor Baru a crime-free city and a safe place for people to reside," he said yesterday.

    Wahid said the council would set up two monitoring and surveillance centres, which would be housed at the Johor police traffic office and at Menara Tabung Haji.

    He said there were also plans to install CCTVs at other areas namely Plaza Angsana, Jalan Meldrum, Lien Hoe Complex, Jalan Trus and the Larkin Bus Terminal.

    He said the installation of CCTVs in these areas is expected by the end of the year.

    From Berita Harian

    18 CCTV bendung kegiatan jenayah

    KAMERA litar tertutup (CCTV) dipasang di Jalan Hang Tuah, Melaka bagi membendung kegiatan lumba haram pada malam minggu selain mengawasi kawasan tumpuan ramai dan pelancong, Hang Tuah Mall.

    Sebanyak 18 kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dengan kos RM1.1 juta dipasang di beberapa kawasan tumpuan pelancong di Melaka yang menjadi perintis dalam usaha berkenaan yang secara tidak langsung berjaya mengurangkan kegiatan jenayah terutama kes ragut.

    Semua CCTV di negeri ini dipantau oleh Unit Semboyan Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Melaka Tengah.

    Selain itu, beberapa lokasi tambahan dijangka turut dipasang CCTV iaitu di air terjun Bukit Sebukor, Melaka Sentral, Medan Samudera, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Sungai Melaka, Jeti Shahbandar dan Muzium Belia

    When we can stop this snatch


    From The Star

    Woman sprawled in blood near damaged motorbike

    PENANG: A 56-year-old woman, believed to be a victim of a snatch thief or hit-and-run accident, is fighting for her life.

    Khoo Poh Kim, is in a coma at the intensive care unit in Lam Wah Ee Hospital.

    She was found sprawled in a pool of blood beside her badly damaged motorcycle at the Bukit Dumbar flyover here at 6.30pm on Tuesday.

    It is still unclear what caused the accident but according to her nephew Kelvin Goh, passers-by found her in a semi-conscious state and clutching her handbag tightly.

    He said Khoo must have held on tightly to her handbag because she did not want to lose her belongings to snatch thieves ever again after being a victim on two occasions several years ago.

    "We still do not know if my aunt, who was riding the motorcycle, was hit by another motorist or if there was a third snatch theft attempt on her.

    "We hope witnesses will come forward and inform the police. She is still unconscious," he said, adding that Khoo had always been cautious on the road and that she had 30 years experience riding a motorcycle.

    Goh said his aunt, who was staying at Taman Jubilee in Bukit Dumbar, was on her way to buy dinner in Jelutong when the incident occurred.

    "She was on her way to buy her favourite fried mee hoon for her sister and herself," he said, adding that both his aunts were unmarried.

    Goh said the doctors told him that Khoo had a 50% chance of recovery.

    Khoo underwent brain surgery on Tuesday night and was due for another operation within the next 24 hours.

    "The doctors said that even if she survived she might be paralysed or lose her hearing because she suffered severe brain damage," he said, adding that her crash helmet was found broken.

    Goh, who was sobbing when met at the hospital, said Khoo had been looking forward to her first overseas trip next month.

    "She was making arrangements to visit Shanghai with a group of friends. She was so excited about it because she had never been abroad before," he said.

    Goh described his aunt as a kind and hardworking person.

    "Whoever caused the accident must be cruel because they sped off without helping her," he said.

    Goh lodged a police report at the Patani Road police station at 3pm yesterday.

    15 February 2005

    When Older Doctors Not Always the Best

    [Sci Medical & Health]

    Not everytime that 'ole timer always the best. Sometimes we still need to giv respect to the young one for their knowledges. Like those freshies in their housemanship. Sorry doc we need to revealed this... so pls, we need ur upgrade services... [Sorry too for that dedicated public hosp. doc, Ehem, ehem]. Like or hate it, I think... this just another article worth to look at. Enjoy reading this newly finding.

    From Health Day

    By Amanda Gardner
    HealthDay Reporter

    MONDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- The older, more experienced physician may not necessarily be the better one, a new study suggests.

    In fact, just the opposite may be true. According to new research appearing in the Feb. 15 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, older physicians appear less likely to be delivering accepted standards of care.

    "I think this is a paradox. We revere our older colleagues. We have a lot to learn from them," said Dr. Niteesh Choudhry, lead author of the paper and a researcher at Harvard Medical School. "I anticipated that there might be declining performance for some things as time from graduation increased. I didn't expect these results would be quite so consistent as they seem to be."

    As the article pointed out, these findings turn conventional wisdom on its head. Physicians with more experience, like people in many walks of life, are believed to have built up a reservoir of knowledge and skills that puts them at an advantage when delivering quality care.

    There has also been some evidence, however, that the number of years in practice is inversely proportional to quality of care provided.

    To investigate this relationship, Choudhry and his colleagues reviewed 59 previously published papers comprising 62 studies that had considered the issue of medical knowledge and health-care quality in relation to time in practice and physician age.

    Almost three-quarters (73 percent) of the studies showed the average physician's performance declining over time. More than half (52 percent) showed performance declining for all outcomes measured, while 21 percent showed some aspects of performance deteriorating.

    The current paper also looked at different categories of care. Of 24 studies that looked at a doctor's use of screening and diagnostic tests as well as preventive care, 63 percent found that older physicians were less likely than younger doctors to conform to current standards. The largest of these studies found that doctors who graduated from medical school more than 20 years ago had 38 percent to 48 percent lower odds of adhering to recommended practices than younger doctors.

    All 12 studies looking at physicians' knowledge found an inverse relationship between knowledge and experience. And 14 of 19 studies (74 percent) looking at performance found that older physicians were less likely to adhere to therapeutic standards compared with younger doctors. For instance, older physicians were less likely to prescribe aspirin for stable angina, which is a widely accepted standard.

    Seven of the studies looked at the effect of this performance on patients' well-being. Of those, three showed no association between length of time in practice and patient outcomes, while four showed some degree of decreasing outcome with increasing time in practice. One study found that patients were more likely to die of a heart attack if their physician had been in practice for more years.

    Today's constantly changing medical business environment may have a lot to do with this.

    "The pressure for productivity for physicians in practice as well as the increasing amount of paperwork that people have to do unfortunately has taken time away from both patient care as well as physician's ability to keep up with things," said Dr. Steven Weinberger, senior vice president for medical knowledge and education at the American College of Physicians, and co-author of an accompanying editorial in the journal. "It's very common for physicians, at the end of a very long day, to have several hours of work dictating charts and filling out paperwork."

    "It's a struggle," confirmed Choudhry. "Being five years out of training, I attempt to read multiple journals every week. I see patients and I have lots of other responsibilities. There aren't enough hours in the day."

    Science and medicine are constantly changing, Choudry added, but it's not always clear what these changes mean for day-to-day practice. "In any given disease, multiple organizations are putting out guidelines," Choudhry said. "Usually they match up pretty well but they don't always."

    The solution to this issue lies in the ways physicians receive their continuing medical education, which remains a key part of every doctor's job.

    "Assuming these results are right, we do know that some of the fundamental parts of passive knowledge translation -- I sit in a room and listen to a lecture -- don't work to change physician behavior," Choudhry said.

    Choudhry and colleagues are presenting ideas that most schools would be wise to consider, including "active knowledge translation," involving interaction between the physician and another health-care professional.

    Weinberger thinks smaller groups would work better. "There has to be a way that physicians can learn based on their own particular questions," he said. "We have to figure out ways of delivering [new knowledge] that are more relevant."

    To that end, the next American College of Physicians session will include "practitioner reports," based on the "residents reports," one of the most popular educational experiences in medical school. Instead of having residents report on patients, the practitioner will come with his or her own problem cases to present and discuss in a group.

    More information

    The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education has more information on continuing education for doctors.

    What wrong with that Enlargement Programme

    [Sci Medical & Health]

    G'day all... Tak tahu nak cerita apalah ni... so sleepy maaa. Baru masuk kerja today. Cuti sampai semalam beb. Blurrr abit. Ok, some news for small people wanna getting bigger. Hehehe what the heck of thisss.[Keep on reading...]

    Beware! [Weird right] To whom, now hav it small and wanna get it bigger, you need to watch out this failure news from States. Lol, beside must have an extra for after all remedies... must also have some for ur lawyer bills [if you want to'lah...] Happy reading!

    For me, shukurlah dengan ketentuan Allah tu... Im dont wanna elaborate more... Big or small its OK, huhuhu.

    From Reuters

    Lawsuits Spread in Over Penis Enlargement Claims

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A New Jersey man has filed a false advertising lawsuit against a maker of herbal penis enlargement pills, alleging the medicine does not fulfill its promises, the plaintiff's lawyer said on Monday.

    Two similar cases, filed last year in Colorado and Ohio, accuse manufacturers of herbal dietary supplements, VigRx and Enzyte, of falsely claiming to be able to add substantial length and girth to a man's penis.

    All three suits seek class action status and claim to represent more than 1 million total plaintiffs.

    In the latest case, filed on Jan. 21 in New Jersey state court, plaintiff Michael Coluzzi claimed he paid $59.95 for a 30-day supply of Alzare pills but "experienced no increase in penis size," and then was unable to collect a promised refund from manufacturer Alzare LLC of Boca Raton, Florida.

    Neither Alzare nor chief operating officer Scott Hammond, both named as defendants, could be reached for comment.

    Coluzzi's attorney, Stephen DeNittis, said many men had been taken in by dubious claims that the product would add up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) to their penises by "very, very convincing" advertising, such as infomercials featuring doctors and porn stars.

    "Males, for whatever reason, may be susceptible because of what they feel they lack," DeNittis said. "It was so believable I confirmed with an expert (that the claims were false) before I filed the lawsuit. They said they had done medical studies proving that it works."

    The ads for Alzare tablets, comprised of ginseng, yohimbe bark, L-arginine and other ingredients, guaranteed results within a week and claimed a 95 percent success rate in the more than 100,000 men who have used it, the suit said.

    But last year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission saying the maker of Enzyte had not backed up its claims with science.

    Although thousands of complaints have been registered with local government agencies and the Better Business Bureau, few lawsuits have been filed because the companies appear to be "judgment proof," DeNittis said.

    "They don't have enough assets for plaintiffs to recover, and some of the defendants are fly-by-night -- they close up shop after they get sued," he said.

    All three lawsuits claim that plaintiffs were unable to contact the companies for guaranteed refunds after spending hundreds of dollars for the penis enhancers.

    8 February 2005

    Why must Rooster

    [My Malaysiana]

    ...not just year of chicken, fowl, capon, chick or hen and some say phoenix. I don't know, maybe that's only a symbolic. Hopefully its will not symbolize a year of mak or bapak ayam (bad rooster), hot chick (very hot chicken) and we'll not be a chicken at heart and no bird flu diseases anymore. Pls lah, I'll going to be vege if this kind of flu hit our shore. Huhuhu...

    Wishing all Ninetnine Network Chinese friends and reader a very happy prosperous CHINESE NEW YEAR - Hopefully this coming year of Rooster of course (just another hour) will bring you all more luck and more business to share with. ;-) Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy long holidays to all... Hati-hati di jalanraya mate.

    Im a good rooster

    7 February 2005

    What for me from Haloscan

    [WWW & Technology]

    Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

    What's new @ Ninetnine Network

    [WWW & Technology]

    G'day to all Ninetnine friends and readers,

    Finally my really new layout was release last week. And all now in my own webhosting. Great right. But its still powered by Blogspot. Consider still under BETA version. Meaning there's still a tonned of bugs here and there. Broken links , cluttered design and unsupported javascript in such of browser. Ok for this moment there's some report of bugs found by me and my fellow readers out there.

    Design and programming:
  • Unsupport javascript in IE for WHO, WHAT, WHEN popup menu.
  • Popup menu hiding on the back of my flash file in Firefox.
  • CSS files make my headlines look messy.
  • Archieves dropdown menu not so "attractive" not so user friendly.
  • My flash files appear on the posting [esp in archives and on the long posting].
  • Let me know if you find more.

    Broken Links:
  • Theres alof of broken links and files not updated especially when Im migrating from Blogspot to my own hosting.
  • Popup menu still dont have any links.
  • No links for Join us and Forum.
  • No links for Genre.
  • No links for Members.
  • Let me know if you find others.

    Coming soon:
  • Maybe I'll replace my Flash file (my tag line) with just plain animated GIF,
  • or find new javascript for my WHO, WHAT, WHEN popup menu.
  • Doc, PDF and electronic Form for Join us.
  • Add search option.
  • Updates Genre and Members area.
  • Maybe I'll fix and finished all of this before March 2005. Be patient and tunggu... Please come again for more latest updates.

    Im really appreciate all of your advice, programming tips and trick for me to upgrade Ninetnine Network. Thanks to all mates for supporting me.